Contact Vikki Huxley. Mobile 07967 112895
or email here [email protected]
BEGINNER FITNESS PILATES (a one hour standing and matwork class suitable for all ages)
Fitness Pilates is a modern form of Pilates focusing on improving musculoskeletal imbalances through functional exercise based on the fundamental Joseph Pilates techniques and exercises. You will be guided through the basics of breathing, postural alignment and core connection during a progressive 4 week course in which you will improve mobility, flexibility and strength.
Equipment needed; comfortable clothing, a mat and water.
Starting 20th March
CHAIR BASED EXERCISE (a fun 45 minute seated class to music especially suitable for those with difficulty standing or walking for longer periods of time).
CBE is a great way to improve all round physical and mental fitness with a focus on exercises and activities to help with strength, balance and flexibility it’s great way to socialise too!
WALK 4000 (a fun 30 minute low impact ‘over before you know it’ class to music suitable for all ages and abilities)
Walk4000 is a class guaranteed to get 4000 steps in just 30 minutes! It is low impact all movements are based on walking patterns so kind to joints. Great fun, sociable and a fantastic way to maintain a healthy body weight, improve strength and mental well being.
Equipment needed; cool comfortable clothing, trainers and water.
LEGS, BUMS AND TUMS (a 30 minute low impact class concentrating on strengthening using body weight and small equipment, suitable for all ages and abilities)
LBT has stood the test of time because it’s tried and tested! It will tone and strengthen legs, glutes and abdominals, improving stability and balance. A great complementary class to Walk4000.
Equipment needed; cool comfortable clothing, trainers, a mat and water.